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Learning Disability Evaluations and Services

Unlocking Potential and Enhancing Success

At the Center for NeuroWellness, we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals with learning disabilities. We provide comprehensive learning disability evaluations to children, adolescents, and adults, to help identify their strengths and areas of difficulty, and develop personalized strategies for success. Our team of experienced professionals specializes in conducting thorough learning disability evaluations. We utilize a comprehensive approach, combining interviews, standardized assessments, educational testing, and a review of relevant records to gather a complete understanding of an individual’s learning profile. By assessing cognitive abilities, academic skills, and socio-emotional factors, we can identify the presence of any learning disabilities.

Learning Disability - Center for NeuroWellness

The Center for NeuroWellness offers the following Learning Disability Evaluations and related services:

  • Learning disability evaluations for reading, written expression, and math
  • Pediatric neuropsychological evaluations
  • Developmental and intellectual disability assessments
  • Academic planning and accommodations
  • Vocational assessments
  • Cognitive rehabilitation
  • School observations and consultations
  • Child Study Team consultation
  • Behavior therapy
  • Child psychotherapy
  • Family education and support
  • Pediatric concussion management

An undiagnosed learning disability can result in many frustrations. Your child may be struggling with completing work on time or mastering age-appropriate academic skills. They may be less interested in school, refuse to complete their work, or disrupt their class. The underlying problem may be an undiagnosed learning disability and/or an attentional problem. Remember, a child is not merely an undersized adult. A comprehensive learning disability assessment requires specific training and expertise. Many learning disabilities are brain-based. Therefore, an understanding of the child’s performances across academic, achievement, aptitude, and neuropsychological abilities provides parents and teachers with accurate diagnoses as well as appropriate treatment strategies and school-based interventions.

What is a Learning Disability Evaluation?

A learning disability evaluation consists of a battery of tests that provides information about a child’s overall intellectual abilities, learning style, information processing abilities, and academic skills. A full learning disability evaluation assesses the overall intellectual abilities with a standardized IQ test such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-V (WISC-V), which helps to identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses. An IQ test provides vital information regarding a child’s ability to process verbally and visually presented information. A full learning disability evaluation also provides information regarding basic attention, visual-spatial, working memory issues, language functions, and processing speed. School-based achievement skills are also evaluated in specific academic areas such as reading, comprehension, written language, and math. Our clinicians employ standardized achievement tests, such as the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, to provide information regarding:

  • Listening comprehension
  • Reading comprehension
  • Word reading
  • Phonetics
  • Oral expression
  • Oral reading fluency
  • Mathematical problem solving
  • Math fluency-addition, subtraction, and multiplication
  • Written expression

The developmental neuropsychological assessment, otherwise known as the NEPSY, may also be included in a learning disability evaluation to provide supplemental information about the neuropsychological development in children ages 3–16 years. The NEPSY was designed to assess both basic and complex aspects of cognition, which are critical to children’s ability to learn and be productive in and outside of school settings. It also tests cognitive functions not typically covered by general ability or achievement batteries. The subtests were designed to assess cognitive abilities related to disorders that are typically diagnosed in childhood and that are required for success in an academic environment.

  • Attention and Executive Functions – inhibition, self-regulation, monitoring, vigilance, selective and sustained attention, maintenance of response set, planning, flexibility in thinking, and figural fluency
  • Language and Communication – phonological processing, receptive language, expressive naming, verbal fluency, and rhythmic oral motor sequences
  • Sensorimotor Functions – tactile sensory input, fine motor speed, imitative hand functions, rhythmic and sequential movements, and visuomotor precision
  • Visuospatial Functions – the ability to judge position and directionality, copying of 2-dimensional and the reconstruction of 3-dimensional designs
  • Learning and Memory – memory for words, sentences, and faces, immediate and delayed list learning, memory for names, and narrative memory under free- and cued-recall conditions.
  • Social Perception (added in the NEPSY-II) – the ability to recognize emotions, to guess what another person is thinking and feeling

What kind of information can I expect following a Learning Disability Evaluation?

Specific Learning Disability Diagnosis:
Our clinicians are trained in diagnosing specific learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia. Through a careful analysis of assessment results and clinical judgment, we provide accurate diagnoses that can help individuals and their families understand the specific challenges they face and guide them towards appropriate interventions and accommodations.

Differential Diagnosis:
We recognize that learning difficulties can sometimes be attributed to other factors, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), intellectual disabilities, or emotional factors. Our evaluations include a thorough differential diagnosis process to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the underlying causes and contributing factors.

Individualized Recommendations:
Following the evaluation, our team will provide detailed and individualized recommendations. These may include targeted interventions, educational strategies, accommodations, and support services to address the specific learning needs of each individual. We collaborate with parents, educators, and other professionals involved to ensure a cohesive and effective support system.

School Collaboration:
We understand the importance of collaboration between our team, individuals, and educational institutions. With your consent, we can collaborate with schools to provide comprehensive reports, recommend appropriate accommodations, and support Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans. This collaboration ensures a coordinated effort to meet the educational needs of individuals with learning disabilities.

Ongoing Support:
Our commitment to supporting individuals with learning disabilities extends beyond the evaluation process. We provide ongoing support, including follow-up consultations and referrals to other professionals and resources as needed. Our goal is to empower individuals to thrive academically, build confidence, and reach their full potential.

Contact us today to schedule a learning disability evaluation or to learn more about our services. Our compassionate and knowledgeable team is here to provide the guidance and support you need on your journey towards understanding and addressing learning challenges.

Center for NeuroWellness Red Bank NJ Brick NJ
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